Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Girl’s night..and day..in

Ugh, hello world. I’m currently drowning my sorrows amid a kelp-infused mud bath, sipping on cucumber-lime spa water, and hoping that my Kippy will get his bum back in my life before I go cray cray. With my BF gone, what else is a diva to do besides pamper herself? But I can’t spend ALL my wallowing at the spa – that’s why I’m thanking my lucky stars that all the products I’m using come in a cute lil’ travel kit. But sadly, the only place I’ll be travelin’ with my new Bagno Bath Set is home. To wait for the return of my baybay—argh can’t time speed up?!?!

In addition to cleansing my body and spirit over these next few days, I’m also starting a wardrobe cleanse! Ok, calm down y’all, I’ve just been wearing more basic pieces lately, like my new Marc Jacobs Day Lilly Embroidered Dress, in lieu of my usual crazy garb. But I promise it’s not permanent! I’m just on this kick to simplify my style right before I go on tour, so I can really come out with a BANG when I hit the stage. It’s actually kinda nice, my current lifestyle is like the calm before the storm – Saige would be so proud! Namaste y’all!

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